Workshops & Events
Regression | Reiki | Crystal Therapy | EFT
Workshops & Events
Chandana is available in Noida on Wednesdays. Please call for prior appointment.
Reiki 1st Level Workshop
5th May 2023 ( Saturday) Course details:
* The History of Reiki
* The 5 Principles of Reiki
* Learn about the Seven Chakras in the human body
* Balancing the Chakras using Reiki
* Stabilising the aura and the spinal cord
* 3 Powerful meditations
* Protection through Triangular & Pyramid shielding
* Receive the Reiki Level 1 Attunement
* Hand positions training for Reiki treatment
* Receive your Reiki Manual & Certificate
Venue : C R Park (Delhi)
Time : 10:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Please call at 9871072185 for registration.
Reiki 2nd Level Workshop
Course details:
* The History of Reiki
* Balancing the Chakras using Divine Reiki symbols
* Intensify the effect of Reiki treatment
* Powerful meditations
* Protection through Triangular & Pyramid shielding using Reiki symbols
* Learn distance healing (Ability to heal without the physical presence of a person )
* Release the negative conditioning from the past experiences
* Clear the environment (House, hotel room, office premises etc.) with Reiki
to remove any negative influence.
* Smoothen out the journey / travels
* Harmonizing special life events.
* Get in touch with your Higher Self.
* Receive the Reiki Level 2 Attunement
* Receive your Reiki Manual & Certificate
Venue : C R Park (Delhi) Time : 10:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Please call at 9871072185 for registration.
Reiki 3A Level Workshop :
20th May, 2023
Reiki 3B Level Workshop :
Reiki 3B Level Workshop :
Venue : C R Park (Delhi)
Time : 10:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Please call at 9871072185 for registration.
Reiki Grandmaster Workshop :
Venue : C R Park (Delhi)
Time : 10:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Please call at 9871072185 for registration.
Karuna Reiki Workshop :
Venue : C R Park (Delhi) Time : 10:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Please call at 9871072185 for registration.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT Tapping) Workshop :
Angels Connection & Healing Workshop :
Course details:
* Introduction to Angels and Archangels
* How to call upon Angels and seek their help
* Recognizing the SIGNS from the Angels
* Communicate with the Angels
* Angelic shielding and Psychic Protection
* Crystals related to individual Archangels
* Angel Meditations for a Happy and Abundant life
* Etheric Cord Cutting
* Learn to Give Angel Card Reading
Venue : C R Park (Delhi)
Time : 10:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Please call at 9871072185 for registration.
Yogic Breathwork Workshop
.Course details:
* Prana- The vital force
* The Panch Pranas
* Nadis and types of Nadis
* Panchkosha, The five sheaths
* Birth types
* The nine big traumas of human beings
* Perinatal Psychology
* Different Breathing Practices
* Breathing Deviations
* Breathing Techniques
* patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga
* Pranayama Rules
* Three useful Bandhas(Locks) in Pranayama
* The eight pranayamas
* Prosperity Consciousness
* Meditation & exercises
Venue : C R Park (Delhi)
Time : 10:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Please call at 9871072185 for details & registration.
Advance Angels Workshop :
Venue : C R Park (Delhi)
Time : 10:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Please call at 9871072185 for details & registration.
Candle Magick Workshop :
Course details:
* The complete process of performing Candle Magick spells
* Selecting the right candle for a particular spell
* Importance of colour of the candles
* Method to annoint the candles
* Essential oils and their magical connections
* Creating spells based on waxing and waning of moon
* Effect and significance of days on the Magick spell
* Creating spells for love, relationships, peace, creativity
* Creating spells for money, job, business, confidence
* Creating spells for spiritual growth, activating chakras, psychic protection
Venue : C R Park (Delhi)
Time : 10:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Please call at 9871072185 for details & registration.
Meditative Colouring : Coming Soon!!!
Course details:
* Creating your own painting through the process of meditation
* Learn the technique of both Chakra Healing & Canvas Painting using acrylic
* Enhance your creativity through deep healing and balancing of energies
* One of the most effective forms of Active Meditation
* All the material will be provided by us
* No prior knowledge of Art and painting required
Venue : C R Park (Delhi)
Time : 10:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Please call at 9871072185 for details & registration.
Abundance & Prosperity Workshop :
Course details:
* Creating awareness about Money
* Powerful Money Affirmations
* Using Crystals to attract abundance
* Feng Shui Tips for wealth & Prosperity
* Powerful Money Meditations
* Ten Valuable tips to be more Prosperous
* Incorporating Colors associated with money
* Powerful ancient Money Mantras
Please call at 9871072185 for registration.
Chanting & Meditation : Every Saturday at 4-6 PM
Location : Call or Email for details

** You can learn Angel Therapy, Reiki and EFT at your own pace. All classes available in small groups or individually in Delhi & Noida.